We manage this long code virtual number service with -

99.9% uptime and 24x7 technical support


A smart sharing service for corporations


Consistent branding is the best possibility to share a local 10 digit number and also an appealing one.

Engages and retains customers

It is an effective strategy to engage and retain the potential customers towards the brand.

Log reports

An excel sheet of log format is downloaded to understand the enterprises need and development more effectively.

Wide usage

Shared long codes are the most used service for campaigns, voting polls, feedbacks, etc.

Effective SMS marketing

Digital shared long code helps as real-time round the clock and in instant responses for marketing.

Price effectiveness

Shared long is most used because it is very cost-effective and less investing as compared to dedicated long code.


Dedicated Long Code Plans


3 Months 6 Months 12 Months
Charges (INR) + Tax 3000 4200 6000
Incoming messages / month 5,000 5,000 5,000
Sub Keyword Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Past Data Visibility 3 months 3 months 3 months
Slick CRM Integration Yes Yes Yes


That Makes Us Unique From Others

SMS number and keyword

A long code SMS number is provided with a keyword. The keyword is minimum of two characters and depends on the availability.

Real-time reporting

The web-based reporting is provided that is real-time and E-mail forwarding is done with the sender's mobile number in real time.

Optional SMS forwarding

An optional feature that allows you to send a message anywhere in India at a very cost-effective amount.

Customized service

Customized service is offered that designs a customized welcome message using URL post along with the choice to disable auto-reply.

No loss of data

There is 0 chance of Data Loss, by chance, if your URL is down, an E-mail will be sent to you and will retry posting data after 15 minutes till 48 hours.

Charges applied

The charges that are applied for shared long code is the same as normal SMS charges and URL forwarding is also benefited.


Answers to all your questions

Do I have a choice to select number?

No default numbers are allotted to you by the company. There is no choice for the number.

What is the limit of the keyword?

The keyword can be chosen of any size and minimum 2 characters but billing is done on per keyword.

Do I have to purchase keywords separately?

Yes, the keywords should be purchased separately and the choice of keyword depends on the availability of keywords.